This is a very simple, elegant design, the main function of which is to support climbing vines that will eventually completely overtake the structure. If looking down from above, one would see that the bent-pipe arches, which are twelve feet tall, are crossed at approximately 30 degrees. The alternating angled arches are evenly spaced where they anchor at the sidewalk. Within the arbor, looking up, the structure will have a sense of line similar to vaulted arches in a cathedral. The arches are fabricated from unpainted sealed aluminum. The arbor was designed by Mr. Lamb, who also executed the rendering.

UPDATE: The facility opened June 7, 1999. Unfortunately, budget cuts did not allow for the planting of vines along the arbors. The installation of the structure was below the quality expected. The artist is of the opinion that the arbors are not successful without vines growing on them.